Services - Bertin Technologies


Bertin Instruments is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction at every stage of the life cycle of its products and systems.

Bertin Technologies has developed skills and know-how covering the entire product life cycle, from research and development to installation and maintenance under operating conditions, and is therefore able to offer a wide range of services, from preventive and corrective maintenance to metrology. Bertin Instruments Services’ teams, composed of over 70 experts, intervene in the factory and on site, whether it is their equipment or that of other manufacturers. They are also able to offer a wide range of training courses on the use and maintenance of products or on the principles of radioactivity measurement. Bertin Instruments offers customizable service contracts to meet the needs of its customers and to choose among the different available services: Training, Metrology, Maintenance, Equipments management…

Installation and commissioning

Bertin Instruments and its multidisciplinary teams take care of the installation of the equipment and materials sold on site. A project management team works upstream with the customer to ensure the conformity of his installations and infrastructures before the products delivery and set-up. In order to guarantee the operationality of the equipment, Bertin Instruments’ experts take in charge the assembly, the cabling or any other operation necessary for their start-up of the products. They also manage their control and the adaptation of the parameters to the specific needs of the customers according to the context and/or the environment. The deployment of the teams can be done with on-call duty or over a longer period of time during the commissioning depending on the needs. It ensures that the customer takes control of the equipment.


Bertin Instruments provides theoretical and practical training sessions in-house or at Bertin in order to give the customer the benefit of its experience in radiation protection. The purpose of these training sessions, which can last from one day to several weeks, is also to raise customers’ awareness on radiation protection through personalised support in the handling, operation and maintenance of instruments.


Bertin Instruments owns a certified calibration laboratory equipped with two radiation casemates with accreditation from the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) under no. 2.6158, in the field of ionising radiation. The first is dedicated to dosimetry, the second to radiometry.
Bertin Instruments guarantees that the measurement of the devices is in accordance with the regulatory controls of article 17 of the control order of October 23, 2020 (modified by the order of 12 November 2021).


Bertin Technologies offers many technical solutions to maintain its equipment in good working order and to guarantee its reliability throughout its life cycle, to support its clients in preventing radiological risks. Bertin’s experts provide preventive and corrective maintenance on Bertin products as well as on other manufacturers’ products, either directly at the customer’s site or in Bertin’s workshops. Preventive maintenance: checking devices, changing consumables (batteries, …), operational checking of equipment, revision of devices, recalibration… Corrective maintenance: diagnosis/expertise, quotation, repair with manufacturer’s parts (all brands).

Equipments management

Customers can delegate to Bertin Instruments and its teams the management of their equipment. Bertin takes care of the maintenance and the follow-up of the product life cycle without the customer having to think about it.
Bertin ensures the conformity of the instruments, their recovery for maintenance or recalibration but also their replacement if necessary.

Spare parts

Bertin Instruments ensures the availability of original spare parts for equipment throughout its life cycle.


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